Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Richard Stallman on the OLPC Laptop

Richard M Stallman (popularly known as rms), the founder of the GNU project and President of Free Software Foundation was in Southern India this January. On his regular advocacy tour, he gave talks in different locations where people thronged to get a glimpse of him and hear what he had to say about issues relating to free software.

We caught up with him for an hour long interview while he was in the city of Hyderabad. RMS heaped praises for the One Laptop Per Child Project. He is even contemplating making a switch to XO, the flagship machine of the project, from his "old thinkpad". Stallman went on to say that the OLPC laptop has given people a way to use the free BIOS. Lack of a widely available free BIOS has remained a major issue in the free software community. Stallman has always stressed for the need to use free softwares in educational institutes. The OLPC project has only made him happier.

He is, however dissatisfied with the wireless networking system used in the XO. Since it uses a proprietary technology, he plans to remove it and use a separate device when he needs to make wireless communication with others.

You can download this one-minute audio clip (ogg-vorbis) of our interview with him where he talks about the OLPC laptop.


Jwalanta Shrestha said...

oh cool that u met RMS. n ofcourse, he wont like anything not free..

Jon Bailey said...

Status updates on OLPC's progress at Free-software firmware for the Marvell wifi mesh chip - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Marvell_microkernel

Anonymous said...

Hi, is the full interview available? Jakub

ashish said...

I am glad to see that OLPC is receiving good response in Nepal.
Unfortunately it has not been received well in India. I feel sad about that !

You bloggers are doing a good work. Keep it up !

Anonymous said...

he's always interesting

if you don't switch to free software after listening to him then there is something wrong with you

geekaholic said...

RMS was in Sri Lanka also in Jan coming from Hydrabad :) It was awesome meeting him.

As far as OLPC, I've recently had a chance to play around with one at an OLPC workshop here in Colombo. From what I found in /lib/firmware (where wireless firmware is usually found), I only saw one file and it had some thing to do with usb (weird) as opposed to wireless. Unfortunately I forgot to write it down.

I did cat out a lot of files and commands from OLPC some of which I've posted on my Blog.

Check it out:

and RMS

Matthew said...

I actually had the pleasure of emailing RMS awhile back about the GPL. He's one of those guys who gives you an immediate feeling that he is a walking library, and he's a pretty cool guy on top of it. Glad to see he likes the XO as well :)

pras said...

wow! that's super that you got to meet RMS.. Interesting thing, I saw this on slashdot and that brought me here... hehe.. nevermind..

I wonder how easy would it be for RMS to use XO. I mean it's kind of small for us.

Anonymous said...

What about the keyboard size and feeling for a grown-up heavy-typer ?

Bibek Paudel said...

[…] Richard Stallman on the OLPC Laptop.

Originally published in OLPC Nepal:

Richard M Stallman (popularly known as[…]

Pingback by http://blog.bibekpaudel.com.np/2008/02/richard-stallman-on-the-olpc-laptop/

Anonymous said...

RMS=(Really Mazzako Solta)

Anonymous said...

oh wow..rms again in india..must have been great to meet n hear the man...have been looking forward to more exposure for the OLPC project in India and i do hope it takes off in a big way...a great idea n lets hope it will catch on..i would like to have a tinker with it myself n learn more about it all..

andrew morton said...

I got an OLPC through the Give 1 Get 1 program thinking I'd replace my ThinkPad... didn't work out for me. It's a very cool device but it's way too beta to get any work done on it. And on top of that the keyboard was too small and the UI way too slow. It'd definitely designed for kids.

Anonymous said...

The keyboard might not be a deal-breaker. Before RMS got the ThinkPad, he had an older laptop running GNU/Linux, but he had trouble with the keyboard, so he also carried around a Happy Hacking keyboard. The new Happy Hacking keyboard has USB.

Here's the Marvell firmware issue: http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/46

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing that India is not participating in the OLPC program. I am sure you can read about that elsewhere on the net.

RMS's main reason for liking the OLPC is probably not because of its proposed benefits to kids, but that it uses open source software.

Anonymous said...

Man, he looks like a Hamnster in that photo. lol

Anonymous said...

I like to know someone still has the where-with-all to put their money in the place of lips, teeth, tongue,... etc. Thankfully for the deprived and oppressed rms is doing the deeds of a kind and wise heart. Whether I meet him on this plane of existence or not at least this dimension has at least that going for it... Carry on, rms, carry your msg of freedom to the edge of the world drop it in the water and let it become free food for sharks and plankton... let the sharks and plankton live free and sustain other life forms,.. let these other life forms grow in love and respect,... [you see where I'm going with this, folks?] until I am you and we are thee ... Ku-Ku-Ku-choo and PEACE

Alec Koumjian said...

When RMS mentions his "old thinkpad," he's not kidding. When he came to talk at my school and I had lunch with him, I was overjoyed at the tiny old, beatup and stickered thinkpad he did his work on. I believe it was an old 240.

Anonymous said...

Richard Stallman,

you rock!

Nobody is as consistent as you are in promoting and defending Free Software. You are a true visionary!

I hope that time by time the mainstream understands the importance of having a free (as in freedom) IT-infrastructure.

Regards, Frederick007

Anonymous said...

can someone re-upload the OGG file to other site? link's not working from my place.


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